Saturday, September 17, 2005

17 September Orcalab reports:

Multiple pod calls audible.

Good morning everyone! Between bouts of boat noise, we've been listening to the A36s, A12s, A30s, I15s & I31s since around 5:30am. The A36s & A12s travelled north through Blackney Pass around 6am. We think the others are still in Johnstone Strait, though it wouldn't be surprising to see them head "out" on the swiftly ebbing tide too.
17 Sep 2005 07:24:28 PDT

Superb sounds!!

After hours of silence, the I15s have finally made their continued presence known... they are in Robson Bight with the A30s & I31s.
17 Sep 2005 08:54:41 PDT

Orcas (may be) approaching cameras.

They are still a bit distant but CP is filming the I15s approaching from the Sophia Islands. The A30s and I31s are not far away but perhaps favouring the Vancouver Island shore.
17 Sep 2005 10:39:39 PDT

Orcas (may be) approaching cameras.

The orcas in the entrance of Blackney Pass, visible on Channel A, are the A30s and some of the I31s. The I15s are further to the west, as are the other I31s.
17 Sep 2005 13:27:05 PDT

Superb sounds!!

A mix of I15s, I31s & A30s is in the entrance of Blackney Pass. Some of them are visible on Channel A. Their calls are clear, and for a nice change, there is very little boat noise, so we've sent an alert.
17 Sep 2005 14:45:25 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

After a wonderful time off CP and then Critical Point the whales have shifted to the Rubbing Beaches.
17 Sep 2005 18:37:22 PDT

No orcas present.

As you m ay have guessed the whales continued to the east so all is "quiet" now.
17 Sep 2005 20:09:05 PDT

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