Saturday, August 30, 2008

I11s sighted again today

Sharon reports
We saw the I11s again and then came across some transients who were very busy killing a sea lion. We were spared the grisley details but were able to hear them after the kill and they sounded like yowling cats, very cool.We also saw the A12s and Echo has a very beautiful tall dorsal now and is a handsome boy.
Sharon@Pt McNeill
30 Aug 2008 22:22:24 PDT

Friday, August 29, 2008

I12s foraging in JS

Seasmoke reports

Today proved to be a day of wonderful viewing despite the heavy rain! On the morning tour passengers had the experience of sailing with the whales: the A8’s, A23’s and the A30’s and while under sail, by trailing the hydrophone, passengers were able to listen to their wonderful A-Clan vocals as they foraged. On the afternoon sail time was spent with the I12’s, they were also foraging and I47 surprised everyone when surfacing near to the boat, allowing a wonderful and unforgettable sight!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I11s rubbing at Bere Point

Ellen reports:
We rounded Malcolm Point we saw the first Orcas. I was able to id I64 right away and there was an awful lot of familiar tall dorsal fins in there... I had a feeling we had the A36s there. The whales were heading for the beaches at Bere Pt and we witnessed a short rub there, amazing! Lots of socialization, amazing vocals, spyhops, breaches, everything in the orca manual book :) All in all I was positively able to id the A30s, A24s, A23's, A8s, A36s, I11s I hope I didn't miss anyone.
Ellen@Port McNeill
27 Aug 2008 17:20:02 PDT

Friday, August 01, 2008

I15s together with A clan groups in JS

Stubbs Whalewatching reports

From the first trip this morning to the last tour of the day we have had spectacular wildlife viewing. G clan and A clan gathered together in the Johnstone Strait - Blackfish Archipelago for a family affair. 50 plus orcas

We did see the A30's; A24's; A12's;I31's; and I15's

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I15s headed north?

Multiple pod calls audible.

It seems we're connected again, after being down most of the night. Sorry about that, as it has been very exciting vocally & socially. There has been a lot of movement since yesterday. The groups that were in the east came quickly back to the west in the afternoon & met up with the I15s/I31s, who had spent hours resting in western Johnstone Strait yesterday afternoon before heading into the beaches for an excited rub just before the A11s & co met them around 7pm. The A12s & A36s came back into the Strait via Weynton Pass & headed east just before dark. Most of the groups headed north via Blackney Pass around midnight & then headed back into the Strait around 3am. At the moment, the A30s & I31s are in Blackfish Sound. We think the A12s headed east from Robson Bight around 3am.
29 Jul 2008 06:18:23 PDT

I15s headed north?

Multiple pod calls audible.

It seems we're connected again, after being down most of the night. Sorry about that, as it has been very exciting vocally & socially. There has been a lot of movement since yesterday. The groups that were in the east came quickly back to the west in the afternoon & met up with the I15s/I31s, who had spent hours resting in western Johnstone Strait yesterday afternoon before heading into the beaches for an excited rub just before the A11s & co met them around 7pm. The A12s & A36s came back into the Strait via Weynton Pass & headed east just before dark. Most of the groups headed north via Blackney Pass around midnight & then headed back into the Strait around 3am. At the moment, the A30s & I31s are in Blackfish Sound. We think the A12s headed east from Robson Bight around 3am.
29 Jul 2008 06:18:23 PDT

Monday, July 28, 2008

I15s returning from the east..

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

Good morning everyone! After a sleepy night (for us) we began hearing calls on the rubbing beaches hydrophone a short while ago... sounds like the I15s/I31s & an "A1" group are returning from the east.
28 Jul 2008 07:28:28 PDT

Orcas hunting fish.

We're hearing echolocation on the Critical Point hydrophone... sounds like some of the orcas are having a bite in the Bight on their way west.
28 Jul 2008 07:58:02 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

The A36s have turned into Blackney Pass ahead of the I15s and I31s who are just making their way out of Johnstone Strait.
28 Jul 2008 10:39:09 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

Actually, the I15s and the I31s have not yet made it into Blackney Pass proper. They fell asleepand are still between CP and the bottom (east) end of Hanson Island. (Jared Towers report)
28 Jul 2008 11:19:03 PDT

Sunday, July 27, 2008

First arrival of I15s this season in Johnstone Strait

Multiple pod calls audible.

A lot has been happening while we were "down". First of all, this morning we have heard the I15s and possibly other G clan members arrive into Johnstone Strait. We are also hearing A1 calls and hopefully soon will sort out who. Yesterday, the A30s continued west toward the A24s and A5s who spent the day in the Lower Johnstone Strait (Nick Templeman report). Then yesterday evening, A12 and A33 travelled through Blackfish Sound,Blackney Pass and into Johnstone Strait. They were first seen by Troy Bright at Berre Point. They looked well and energetic, foraging as they travelled past us. A small minke kept company briefly. Again this morning, we had a group of dolphins who added to the mix.
27 Jul 2008 08:00:39 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

The whales have moved on toward the Ecological Reserve. The "Cliff" is trying to figure out who all is there.
27 Jul 2008 09:03:49 PDT

Distant calls audible.

We started hearing I11s or I31 type calls just a while ago. Sounds like the whales are passing off the Rubbing beaches to the west.
27 Jul 2008 14:54:59 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

After passing the Beaches, the I15s, I31s and the A36s turned back to the west. They have now passed CP and are on their way west. The A11s, who were seen earlier have not been yet identified as part of this western run. Meanwhile, the A30s,A5s, A12s and A24s were in the Lower Johnstone Strait where at least some, if not all, went southeast of Nodales Channel.
27 Jul 2008 17:15:14 PDT

Superb sounds!!

Sorry, a bit late but these good calls have been (and are) on Flower Island, Blackfish Sound. The I31s, I15s and A36s left Johnstone Strait earlier and went through Weynton Passage until they got to the other side.
27 Jul 2008 19:43:51 PDT

Superb sounds!!

The A36s, I15s & I31s have been making their way south through Blackney Pass over the last while, and are now entering Johnstone Strait.
27 Jul 2008 20:30:07 PDT

Multiple pod calls audible.

And now, of course eastbound to the Reserve.
27 Jul 2008 21:29:10 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

That was a nice all pod rub!
27 Jul 2008 22:31:56 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The rub seems to be over. What now? The tide is still flooding for an hour. Will this encourage them to go looking for the other groups to the east?
27 Jul 2008 22:53:55 PDT