Monday, July 28, 2008

I15s returning from the east..

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

Good morning everyone! After a sleepy night (for us) we began hearing calls on the rubbing beaches hydrophone a short while ago... sounds like the I15s/I31s & an "A1" group are returning from the east.
28 Jul 2008 07:28:28 PDT

Orcas hunting fish.

We're hearing echolocation on the Critical Point hydrophone... sounds like some of the orcas are having a bite in the Bight on their way west.
28 Jul 2008 07:58:02 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

The A36s have turned into Blackney Pass ahead of the I15s and I31s who are just making their way out of Johnstone Strait.
28 Jul 2008 10:39:09 PDT

No calls but orcas nearby

Actually, the I15s and the I31s have not yet made it into Blackney Pass proper. They fell asleepand are still between CP and the bottom (east) end of Hanson Island. (Jared Towers report)
28 Jul 2008 11:19:03 PDT

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