Saturday, September 02, 2006

02 September 2006, Orcalab reports:

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

Always interesting. As the A12s moved toward Robson Bight, the A30s and the I15s were heard once more on the Rubbing Beach system. They were not rubbing, just chatting. After a while the I15s slipped away to the east and the A30s continued. The A12s continued calling as well. Then finally the A30s slipped away to the east too, leaving the A12s calling on their own. Finally the A12s rounded Critical Point and headed to the beaches where they are now. A few quiet rubs have followed a few energetic ones and we wonder if the A12s won't follow everyone east.
02 Sep 2006 00:26:31 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The I11s and the I15s were the groups westbound in the Strait as the A12s and the I33s came through Blackney Pass. The Johnstone Strait groups are spread out off the western end of Hanson Island to the Vancouver Island side. Their progress is now quite slow as they stop and forage. The a12s and the I33s continued west and are now past Lizard Point in Queen Charlotte Strait.
02 Sep 2006 11:41:16 PDT

Orcas near mics.

The I15s and part of the I31s (the I35s,I46) circled around Hanson Island after leaving the Strait around noon. They left the I11s behind to forage off of Telegraph Cove and the entrance to Weynton Pass. The I11s have since turned east and all the groups are off the entrance to Blackney Pass after coming from their respective directions. A whale rendezvous of sorts, lovely calls too.
02 Sep 2006 16:05:23 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

The I15s, I31s,I11s have gone for a rub. It may be a quick one. While they were off robson Bight we also heard distant A1 calls - perhaps the A30s calling them eastward!
02 Sep 2006 18:21:24 PDT

Boat noise

The I11s may not have listened to the siren call after all. We believe they headed back to the west where they were earlier today. We are waiting to find out if they head out or turn back once again. We still believe the I15s and i35s+ continued to the east. The A30s, A4s,A5s and the three G groups are still east as well.
02 Sep 2006 21:08:52 PDT

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