Saturday, September 01, 2007

01 September 2007, Orcalab reports:

Distant calls audible.

The A36s and the I15s are moving quickly to the east in Johnstone Strait.
01 Sep 2007 01:19:09 PDT

No orcas present.

Good Morning! The A36s and the I15s continued east to the Reserve. They rubbed from 3:02am to 4:16am. They last calls we heard were at 5:02am. Thank you Yumi for staying with that marathon - all yesterday and through the night. There were audible dolphins in the early morning.
01 Sep 2007 08:13:50 PDT

Orcas near mics.

The I15s are very close to Cracroft Point, the A4s sound like they are over closer to Vancouver Island. We have also heard A30s, A36s and A5s.
01 Sep 2007 10:24:13 PDT

Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.

Well the whales went west, and then turned at the top end of Hanson Island, and then they went all the way back, past Critical Point and then down to the rubbing beaches where an A1 group is now rubbing.
01 Sep 2007 13:59:41 PDT

Distant calls audible.

Back and forth. Since the last poste the whales have turned at least once. At 2:20pm they were all opposite the Cliff moving east. The A30s went down for the rub and 20 minutes later they were all headed back to the west. The progress was not speedy but by 4:40pm the I15s were west of Kaikash, the A24s opposite Kaikash, the rest of the A4s and A5s were going alobg the Hanson shore and the A30s up to the western boundary. Whew!
01 Sep 2007 17:54:49 PDT

Distant calls audible.

For the last while the whales, true to form, are now going east again.
01 Sep 2007 19:06:54 PDT

Superb sounds!!

The A30s peeled away and came north through Blackney Pass just before dark. The others are nearing Robson Bight.
01 Sep 2007 20:51:10 PDT

Distant calls audible.

The eastbound groups, the I15s,the A36s, A5s and A4s are on their way out of the Reserve. Nothing further was heard from the A30s who continued west to Queen Charlotte Strait.
01 Sep 2007 22:36:41 PDT

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