Thursday, August 18, 2005

18 August Orcalab reports

09:49 PDT Superb sounds!!
The I15s have come into the Strait via Blackney Pass and have met up with the A30s in the entrance of Blackney Pass.

12:00 PDT Orcas rubbing on the shore bottom.
The first orcas have reached the rubbing beaches. Channel B.

14:27 PDT No calls but orcas nearby
The I15s and the A30s conrinued quickly to the east. They are now well past Naka Creek. Meanwhile, the transients of earlier this morning travelled back to the west & the Sophia Islands where they killed a Dalls porpoise. They vocalised briefly and then headed off to the east again. The Naiad Explorer found the A36s off the White Cliff Islets just north of Swanson Island in Queen Charlotte Strait.

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